THE SHELTER_ A cabanon in a rear garden
LONDON, 2020
The 4m height pitched roof shed is to be enlarged in accordance with building regulations that impose a maximum height of 2.5m. This presented a challenge, but the proposed solution achieves a balanced and thoughtful composition. The design extends the original pitched roof downwards towards the ground, but strategically cuts the new surface at the required 2.5m height. This approach retains the original character of the roof while meeting the regulations. To ensure aesthetic consistency, the same materials are used for the extension, providing a cohesive look and reinforcing the unity of the building’s volumetry.

In order to maintain the generous interior space lost due to the height restriction, the ground level is excavated. This subtle adjustment allows us to continue the
original roof slope without altering its angle, preserving the integrity of the design. The slope of the roof, in combination with the excavated floor, creates an open and airy internal environment. The layout of the plan is reoriented to capture southern light more effec-tively, flooding the interior with natural light. The roof itself folds down gracefully to meet the ground, creating a seamless visual connection between the architecture and its surrounding landscape, inviting views from the house towards the garden.