Studio RRR is a Madrid-based design office in the search of architecture that optimizes resources, emphasizes sustainability and embodies vitality and optimism. Our projects adhere to a philosophy grounded in the respect of the history of the place, the environment, and the city.

The office is leaded by Raúl Rodríguez Ruiz, an Architect graduated in the Faculty of Architecture of Genoa and a master in the ETSAM, Madrid with formed experience in the offices of Richard Rogers and Zaha Hadid in London, followed by multiple collaborations with teams in Italy, Sweden and Spain. 

Studio RRR was founded in 2014 and currently the studio is developing architectural projects internationally with works in Vienna, London, Milan, and in Spain where the office mainly works in Palma de Mallorca and Madrid.

We explore specific solutions for each project and in this continuous search, structural systems, materials, construction systems, sustainable concepts and new technologies come together to seek answers adapted to each client, optimizing resources in a process that is both meticulous and exploratory, underpinned by research, technical expertise and collaborative dialogue with clients,consultants and builders.

We strive to produce architecture that positively transforms the experiences of its users and the wider community. Our projects are characterized by a sensitive approach to materials and intuitive understanding of construction and detail.

